
Release Date: 20 April 2012
Cast : Cristina Brondo, Camila Bordonaba, Sebastian Muniz, Mirella Pascual, Diego Cremonesi, Victoria Witemburg, Omar Gioiosa, Maria Nela Sinisterra
Director:Adrian & Ramiro García Bogliano
Genre: Horror
Synopsis: Combining stylistic elements of classic Polanski with a contemporary vision that rivals anyone working in horror today, the Bogliano brothers’ “Penumbra” is a superbly realized South American horror slow-burner. Marga is a highly motivated, arrogant and successful businesswoman on assignment in Buenos Aires — a city she hates and whose people she loathes. While in the Argentina capital on a day the whole population is waiting to view a rare solar eclipse she must also find a new tenant for her family’s decrepit apartment. Rapidly losing her patience waiting for one applicant she runs into the mysterious Jorge lurking outside the front door of the place who informs her that he has a client willing to pay four times what she is asking in rent. There’s one catch — the paperwork must be signed immediately. As greedy Marga waits to complete the transaction several of Jorge’s associates suspiciously appear at the apartment ready to strip the wallpaper. And what’s behind the décor signals a startling fate worse than death – or should that be life!

Penumbra Movie Poster And Trailer 2012

Penumbra Movie Poster And Trailer 2012

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