
Starring :Sohail Lakhani, Apurva Arora, Sachin Khadekar, Tanvi Azmi, Delzad Sanjay Hirale, Suraj Singh
Release Date:29 July  2011
Genre: Drama
Director: Sanjivan Lal
Language: HIndi
Country: India
Synopsis:BUBBLE GUM is a coming-of-an-age story set in a small industrial town of Jamshedpur in India about life of a teenager at a stage when you are no longer a child but yet to become an adult. This is a story of all of us at an age when we had properties of a Bubble Gum: Chewable! Malleable! It swells with air when blown, it’s stretchable…beyond a point it breaks…creating a messy situation!


Bubblegum Movie Poster And Trailer 2011

Bubblegum Movie Poster And Trailer 2011

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